Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beware These Undies

If you are sophisticated like me, you buy your unmentionables at Target. Well, I saw the wedgie free commercials and thought I'd check out the Hanes section. I like boy style briefs because they contain my Rubenesque figure better than, oh say...eye patches. So I picked up a pack of these classily-wrapped-in-cardboard-panties.

I didn't realize that only some of their panties were wedgie free. The rest are, by omission, wedgie prone, I suppose. But seriously, a wedgie would be manageable compared to what does occur when you set sail wearing a pair of these.

Take a gander at the photo below. Look at the main seam...Do I even HAVE to tell you what type of animal's toe this will resemble when the wearer takes three steps? The only seam is along your vertical equator.

I think I'll email Hanes and suggest that they rename them Episiotemy Panties.


  1. You are seriously one of the funniest people I know!! Your descriptions of what it is like to be a woman and more importantly, a mom keeps me laughing!!

  2. You should seriously be a stand-up comedian.

    Fo sho.

  3. April, you have a blog, I'm so going to follow/stalk you!
